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单词 provision
provision/prə′vɪ ʒn/ n & vt

n (1)提供,供应;供应量 (act of providing; amount of sth that is provided) [U; C, 通常sing][N(of)]: the~of water and gas to domestic customers 为家庭用户供应水和煤气;The government are responsible for the~of medical services/education for all children. 政府有责任为所有儿童提供医疗服务/教育。P~of shelter was the Red Cross's main concern for the disaster victims. 红十字会主要关心的是向受灾者提供住所。a large~of food/mosquito nets 大量的食品/蚊帐供应;issue a~of meat to the troops 为军队拨一批肉类;〖同〗providing,sup-plying;

(2) 1)准(防)备 (preparation made to meet future needs or in case sth happens) [U][N(for/against)]: spend all one's money and make no~for the future/one's old age 花光了所有的钱,对将来/自己的老年毫无准备;make~for one's children's education/the possibility that someone may arrive late/some new arrivals 为自己孩子的教育/某人可能到得很晚/一些新来的人做准备;There was little~for adequate housing of the urban poor. 几乎没有为城市穷人的住房做出适当的安排;~against possible disaster 防备可能发生的灾难;〖同〗arrangement, preparation, readiness; 2)预先安排 (dealing with sth (in advance)) [U][N(for)]: (law) make no~for this (法律) 对此未作出规定;〖同〗arrangement, preparation;

(3)(食物,饮料)供应,粮食,存粮 (supplies of food and drink) [C, 通常pl]: have a plentiful store of~s 储存大量的食物;lay in a plenty store of~s 大量贮存粮食;They took plenty of~s on their trip. 他们出门旅行带了很多食品。P~s were kept in the storehouse. 食物存在仓库中。The~s we took with us to camp included meat, bread, milk, sugar, etc. 我们野营所带的食物包括肉、面包、牛奶、糖等。a~merchant/shop 食品商/店;

(4)法律文件中的条款(规定) (condition in a legal document) [C]: under/according to the~s of the agreement 根据协议的条款;a~of a peace treaty forbidding rearmament 和平协议中禁止重新武装的条款;The money was lent with this~. 钱是根据这一规定借出的。We accepted the contract with the~that it would be revised after two years. 我们接受了合同,条件是两年后须做修订。〖同〗requirement,condition,term,clause;

→pro′visional adj 临时的;

vt供应(粮食或必需品) (supply with food or necessities)[尤pass T+n T+n+prep(with)](fml): enough food to~an army 足够一支军队所需的粮食供应;The ship was~ed for a voyage to the Antarctic. 这条船装上了南极之行的必需品。





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