释义 |
楚囚对泣chǔ qiú duì qìface each other and weep like “captives of Chu”—weep with each other in straits ❍ 过江诸人……皆相视流泪,唯王丞相愀然变色,曰:“当共戮力王室,克复神州,何至作楚囚相对?”(刘义庆《世说新语·言语》) All those who had crossed the Yangtze River looked at each other and wept. It was only Chancellor Wang Dao,who,looking very grave,remarked with deep emotion,“We should all unite our strength around the royal house and recover the sacred provinces. To what end do we sit here facing each other like so many‘captives of Chu’?” 楚囚对泣chǔ qiú duì qì比喻处境窘迫的人相对而哭。said of prisoners, weep with each other in straits |