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单词 桀犬吠尧

桀犬吠尧jié quǎn fèi yáo

the tyrant Jie’s cur yaps at the sage-king Yao-utterly unscrupulous in its zeal to please its master; the underling of an evil man will attack whoever he is told to attack
❍ ~堪笑止,泥牛入海无消息。(郭沫若《满江红》) How absurd for Jie’s dog to bark at Yao; |The clay oxen plunge into the sea and vanish.

桀犬吠尧jie quan fei yao

the tyrant Jie’s dog barks at the sageking Yao—the underling of an evil man will attack whoever he is told to attack

桀犬吠尧jié quán fèi yáo

桀:指夏朝的最后一个暴君;犬:狗;吠:叫:尧:古代的一个圣明的君王。坏人的狗向着好人叫。比喻走狗一心效劳其主子。utterly unscrupulous in its zeal to please its master, the underling of an evil man will attack whoever he is told to attack





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