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单词 constitutional
释义 constitutional /(konsti'tjujanl US: -'tu: -; , kan-sta'tjufanl/ adj 1 of a constitution(l): 食法的; 立宪的: ~ government; 立宪政体; a ~ ruler, controlled or limited by a constitution; 立宪君主(受宪法控制或限制的君主); ~ reform. 宪法修改。少 absolute, autocratic at autocrat. 2 of a person's constitution (2): 体格的;体质的: a ~ weakness. 体格的虚弱。 n (dated colloq) short walk for the health's sake: (过时俗语) 为健康目的所作的散步; 健行: go for/take a ~. 散散步; 作徒步健行。 ~ly /-Janah; -Janli/ adv ~ism n [U] (belief in) ~ government or ~ principles. 立宪政体; 立宪主义。~ ist n supporter of ~ principles ; 立宪主义者。 ~ize /-Jnalaiz; -fanjaiz/ v, make 使实施立宪政体。




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