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单词 顾此失彼

顾此失彼gù cǐ shī bǐ

attend to one thing and lose sight of another; have too many things to take care of at the same time; take one matter into consideration to the neglect of the other
❍ 在他处理革命斗争中各种实际问题的时候,就会因为他有旧社会的习惯和成见,有个人主义的打算,而患得患失,~,徬徨动摇,…… (刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》20) When they handle practical problems in the course of revolu tionary struggle,the habits and prejudices which they have brought with them from the old society and their individualistic calculations lead them to think in terms of personal gain or loss,to be hesitant and vacillating

顾此失彼gu ci shi bi

cannot attend to one thing without neglecting the other


attend to one thing and lose sight of another;be unable to look after everything at once;do one thing at the expense of the other

顾此失彼ɡù cǐ shī bǐ

顾了这个,丢了那个。形容头绪太多,无法兼顾。attend to one thing and lose sight of another, unable to look after everything at once, be put in a double squeeze





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