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单词 process
process/′prə ʊses, AmE ′prɑ:-, ′proʊ-/ n [-es/ ɪz/]; vt [-es/ ɪz/]

n (1)过程,程序,步骤,手续 (series of actions or operations done to get a particular result) [C]: a clean~一个清洁过程;the~of learning to read 学习阅读的过程;Sherlock Holmes discovered the murderer by a~of elimination. 福尔摩斯通过逐步排除的方法发现了谋杀者。Applying to enter a university/Reforming the education system is a complicated~. 申请上大学/改革教育制度是一个复杂的过程。Carrying him down the mountain/Unloading the cargo was a slow~. 把他抬到山下去/卸货的过程很慢。〖同〗method,manner,practice,procedure;

(2)(制造)方法(过程),工序(艺) (method or way of manufacturing things) [C]: industrial~es 工业过程;a manufacturing~一个制造过程;develop a new~for rustproofing car bodies/of dyeing 研究汽车车身防锈/染色的新工艺;We are using a new~to make glass/steel/bricks. 我们用新工艺制造玻璃/炼钢/制砖。Will you describe the~of building a boat? 请你讲一讲造船的工艺流程好吗?the~by which sugar is obtained from sugar beet 用甜菜榨糖的工艺;

(3)(一系列自然发生的或不为人所察觉的)变化过程 ((series of) changes esp ones that happen naturally and unconsciously) [C]: the~es of digestion消化过程;digestive/chemical~es 消化/化学过程;the~of breathing/growing old 呼吸/变老的过程;a lake in~of drying up 一个正在逐渐干涸的湖;Adolescence is the~of going from childhood to maturity. 青春期是从童稚转向成熟的过程。〖同〗course,movement,motion,progress;

(4) 1)诉讼(过程) (entire course of legal action; lawsuit) [C]; 2)法院传票 (official written order to appear before a judge in a court) [C]: He was given a~to appear in court. 他收到一张出庭的传票。

(5)(植物或动物身体上的)突(隆)起物 (small part that sticks out of any part of a plant or the body of an animal) [C]: the~of a bone 骨头的突起部分;

in the process (of sth/doing sth) 在(做某事的)过程中: She started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the~. 她开始挪动瓷器,但是在挪动的过程中摔了一只花瓶。I burnt my hand in the~of cooking the vegetables. 我在烧菜时把手烫了。I'm in the~of getting ready. 我在做准备。

vt (1)加工,处理(置) (treat sth (esp a raw material food) chemically or industrially before using or selling it) [T+n]:~ed cheese 经加工的奶酪;chemically~ed food 经过化学处理的食品;~leather to make it softer 鞣制皮革使其更柔软;~photographic film 冲照相胶卷;Grocery stores sell many foods that have been~ed. 食品店出售多种加工食品。〖同〗 prepare,treat;

(2) 1)处理(文件等) (put (a documentetc) through a given series of steps) [T+n]:~an application/an order 处理一份申请/订单;The plans are being~ed. 计划正在审查。〖同〗handle; 2)用计算机处理(数据) (put (data) into a computer for examination) [T+n]: word~ing (计算机)文字处理;Five computers are~ing the data. 五台计算机正在处理那些数据。How fast does this new computer~the data? 这台新计算机处理数据的速度有多快?

→′processor n 加工(处理)器;

【辨异】processprocedure 的区别见PROCEDURE。





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