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单词 杳无音信

杳无音信yǎo wú yīn xìn

find no trace of sb; have heard nothing of sb; have never been heard of since;no news has been received from sb for a long time;there has been no word from sb; there has been no news whatsoever about sb
❍ 仆访主人,~。(《聊斋志异·竹青》 1518) The servants could find no trace of their missing master.
❍ 一会儿抄了原籍的家财,至今~。(《红楼梦》1205) Before long,though,their property was confiscated and no more has been heard of them ever since./“汤富海?”朱暮堂听到这三个字,马上就想到汤阿英,一只已被他捕捉到手的小鸟,却叫她飞了,从此一去~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—210) “Tang Fuhai? ”At the mention of the name Zhu Mutang immediately thought of Tang Aying—a little bird he had had in his hand,but which had flown away. No news had been heard of her since.
❍ 孔明一去东吴,~,不知事体如何。(《三国演义》391) Kongming went to Wu some time ago and no word has come from him,so I know not how the business stands.
❍ 大哥几年来~。(金敬迈 《欧阳海之歌》 21) There had been no word from Song in all the years since he was taken away.
❍ 银凤跟着二木匠……,直至天黑还是~。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》183)At dusk there was still no news of Defu or Yongkong.


have no news at all about sb;disappear for good and all

杳无音信yǎo wú yīn xìn

连一点消息都没有。形容一直了解不到对方的情况。have never been heard of since, there has been no news whatsoever about sb., without being heard from





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