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单词 horse


1.(singl.for plur. )horses,company of horses马,马群。
△Shr.3.2.207(204):“Grumio,my horse(i.e.horses). ”葛鲁米欧,给我备马。
△Mac.4.1.139: “I did hear The galloping of horse. ” 我听见了奔马的声音
△1H.IV.2.1.2: “Charles wain is over the new chimney,and yet our horse not packed.”北斗星已经升到新烟囱上头,我们的马还没有套好。
△3H.VI.4.5.18:“Brother,the time and case requireth haste; / Yourhorse stands ready at the park-corner.”兄长,时机和形势需要迅速行动;你的马匹已经备好,正在猎苑角上等着。
2. horsemen,cavalry骑兵,骑兵部队。
△1H.IV.4.3.19: “Certain horse / Of my cousin Vernon's are notyet come up.”我的族兄维农有一支骑兵部队还没有来到。
△2H.IV.2.1.190(173): “No,fifteen hundred foot,five hundred horse,/ Are marched up to my Lord ofLancaster. / Against Northumberland and the Arch-bishop. ”不,一千五百名步兵,五百名骑兵,已经开到兰开斯特王爷那里,去打诺桑伯兰和大主教了。
△1H.VI.4.4.33: “Hemight have sent,and had the horse.” i.e.He might have requested and obtained thecavalry. 他完全可以派人来要走骑兵。
horse and foot: cavalry and infan-try骑兵和步兵。
△R.III.5.3.294(293): “My foreward shall bedrawn out all in length,/ Consis-ting equally of horse and foot:” 我的先锋部队要一线排开,骑兵和步兵各占一半。
horse's health: “A horse is aboveall other animals subject to disea-ses.” (Johnson) The phrase mayalso refers to the horse-trader's de-
scription of a horse 马的健康——“马在各种动物中最容易得病”(约翰孙博士)。“马的健康”也可能指马贩子对一匹马的描述(不可靠)。
△ Lr.3.6. 20 (18):“He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf,ahorse’s health,a boy’s love,or a whore’s oath.”只有疯子才信赖狼的驯顺,马的健康,孩子的爱情,娼妓的盟誓。(按:ahorse’s health有人改作a horse’s heels,“马的蹄子”。)

hose (round)

horse马(Equus caballus)



◇ a dark horse黑马/a horse of another colour完全是另外一回事
back the wrong horse支持失败的一方,估计错误
be on one's high horse趾高气扬
from the horse's mouth(消息等)直接得来的
hold one’s horses等一下
horse an airplane粗猛地操纵飞机
horse and foot全力以赴
horse around不按规定操纵飞机,胡闹,哄闹
horse down俯冲
work like a horse拼命干活
‖ horse and horse旗鼓相当
horse gun骑炮
horse opera马戏,西部影片,西部
horse pistol马枪
horse race赛马
horse race ground赛马场
horse racing赛马
horse style剧院的演出风格
horse trader精明的谈判者
horse trading讨价还价
horse whip n.马鞭
horseback n. 马背
horseback police骑警
horse-back-riding stance骑马蹲裆式
horse-box n. 运马棚车
horsefly n. 虻,马蝇
horsegear (harness)马具
horsehair n. 马鬃
horseless adj.无马的,不用马的
horselaugh n. 哄笑
horseman n. 骑兵,骑手
horsemanship n.马术
horseplay n.& v. 哄闹,恶作剧
horsepower n.马力
horse-power required需用马力
horse-ride step马步
horse-shoe n. 马蹄铁
horsy=horsey adj.爱马的





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