treaty; pact; covenant; pactum[拉]
~必须遵守。Pacts must be observed. or:Pacta sunt servanda.[拉]/草签~ initial a treaty/缔结~conclude a treaty/废止~denounce a treaty/加入~accede to a treaty/胁迫签订的~treaty concluded through coercion/定居~treaty of establishment/批准~ratify a treaty/破坏~violate (or undermine)a treaty/签订~ conclude (or enter into) a treaty/签署~sign a treaty/停止施行~suspend the operation of a treaty/退出~withdraw from a treaty(or a party)/违反~violate a treaty/修改~modify (or revise)a treaty /修正~ amend a treaty/终止~ terminate a treaty/遵守~observe a treaty/关于同一事项先后所订~ successive treaties relating to the same subject-matter(先订~ an earlier treaty)(后订~a later treaty)/保护~treaty of protection/保护关系~ treaty of protectorate/保证~ treaty of guarantee/边界~boundary treaty/单一文本的~single-instrument treaty/多边~ multilateral treaty /割让~treaty of cession/和平~(和约)treaty of peace/和平友好~treaty of peace and friendship/和平解决~treaty of pacific settlement/互不侵犯~ treaty of nonaggression; mutual nonaggression treaty/互助~treaty of mutual assistance/华沙~Warsaw Pact/秘密~secret treaty/契约性~ contractual treaty/地区互助~ regional treaty on mutual assistance/双边~bilateral treaty/三边~tripartite treaty/司法协助~ treaty concerning judicial assistance/通商航海~ treaty of commerce and navigation/现行有效的~treaty in force/引渡~treaty of extradition/友好睦邻~treaty of friendship and good neighbourliness/友好通商~ treaty of amity and commerce/造法性~law-making treaty/中立~treaty of neutrality/《中俄睦邻友好合作~》 Treaty of Good-neighborliness,Friendship and Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation/解释~的通则general rule of interpretation of treaties/~的保管deposit of treaty/~的保留reservation of treaty/~的当事国party to treaty/~的登记registration of treaty/~缔结程序procedure of conclusion of treaty/~的核准approval of treaty/~的继承 succession of treaty/~的加入accession to treaty/~的接受acceptance of treaty/~的解释interpretation of treaty/~的广义或狭义解释broad or narrow interpretation of a treaty/~的善意解释interpret a treaty in good faith/~的批准ratification of treaty/~的签署signature of treaty/~的生效entry into force of treaty /~的时效period of validity of treaty/~的无效invalidity of treaty /~的效力effect of treaty/~的修正与修改amendment or modification of treaty/~的终止termination of treaty/~之不溯既往non-retroactivity of a treaty/~之领土范围territorial scope of a treaty/~之生效entry into force of a treaty/~之失效invalidity of a treaty /~之适用application of a treaty/~之暂时适用provisional application of a treaty/~之效力及继续有效validity and continuance in force of a treaty/~保存者(保存机关)treaty depositary/~保证treaty guarantee/~草案draft treaty/~集treaty series /~的替代substitution of treaty/~关系treaty relationship/~法treaty law/~法公约 convention on the law of treaties/~形成的国家treaty made state/~义务treaty obligation/~规定treaty provision;treaty stipulation/~措词treaty wording/~口岸treaty port(亦称通商口岸)