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单词 束手无策

束手无策shù shǒu wú cè

at the end of one’s tether(/rope); be at a loss what to do; be at one’s wits’ end; be baffled (/lost/stranded); feel quite helpless; fold one’s hands helplessly; look on helplessly; nail-biting; up a stump; without resources(/expedients); wring one’s hands in dismay
❍ 同时,又有许多人不能执行发展统一战线工作的政策,因为他们把国民党简单地看成漆黑一团,表示~。(《毛泽东选集》723) At the same time,there are many others who cannot carry out the policy of expanding the united front,because they over-simplify matters and con sider the entire Kuomintang to be quite hopeless and are therefore at a loss what to do.
❍ 碰着类似这样的事,有时候连工程师们也~,…… (草明《原动力》141)Confronted with difficulties like this,there were times when even the engineers were at a loss to know what to do,…/听着她的声音,仿佛看见她正一动也不动地站在刑讯室里,面对着~的敌人。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》277) They could almost see her standing in the torture cell with her head high,facing the baffled enemy.
❍ 他心里充满了对宁死不屈的战友们的尊敬,也充满了对~的敌人的蔑视。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》175) He felt no fear,only respect for his courageous comrades and disdain for the helpless enemy.
❍ 可是出现在我们眼前的是吃人的豺狼,对着这群豺狼我们~。(田汉《关汉卿》15) But instead we are being confronted with these man-eating leopards and wolves,and in face of these beasts our hands are tied.
❍ 那船上管船的舵工,押船的朝奉,面面相觑,~。(《儒林外史》498) The helmsman and the salt merchant’s clerk wrung their hands in dismay,and looked at each other helplessly.

束手无策shù shǒu wú cè

策:计策,办法。像把手捆住了一样,一点办法都没有。helpless, at one’s wits end, be at a loss what to do





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