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单词 conjure
释义 conjure /'kAndjafr); 'kAndjv/ vt, vi 1 [VP2A, 15A] do clever tricks which appear magical, esp by quick movements of the hands: 玩魔术; (尤指敏捷的手法)变戏法; 用戏法变出: conjuring trick; 魔术; ~。 rabbitout of a hat. 从帽子里变出一只兔子来。 s name to ~ with, sb of great importance/in-fluence. 极重要之人; 极有影响力之人。 2 [VP15B] ~ up, cause to appear as if from nothing, or as a picture in the mind: 使从虚无中显现; 使在脑中显现如画; 想像; 追忆: ~ up visions of the past, 回忆过去的景象; compel (a spirit) to appear by invocation: 念咒召(鬼魂): ~ up the spirits of the dead; 念咒召唤死者的金魂; ~ up a meal, produce it quickly. 像变魔术似地很快做出一顿饭菜。 3 /kan'djur); kan'djur/ [VP17] (formal) appeal .solemnly to: (正式用语)恳求; 哀求: I ~ you not to betray me. 我恳求你不要背弃我。 con-jurer, conjuror /'tc-vn6zsrs(r); /'kAndsara n person who performs conjuring tricks. 魔术师。少 1 above. 参看上列第 1 义。




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