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单词 杀人如麻

杀人如麻shā rén rú má

commit innumerable murders; decimate the population; kill people like flies
❍ 彼辈不注意敌人而以对内为能事,~,贪贿无艺,实谣言之大本营,奸邪之制造所。(《毛泽东选集》 683)Ignoring the enemy and concentrating on our own countrymen,they are committing innumerable murders and insatiably taking bribes; in fact the secret service is the headquarters of the rumour mongers and a breeding ground of treason and evil.
❍ 朝避猛虎,夕避长蛇。磨牙吮血,~。(李白 《蜀道难》)Fleeing at morn before the savage tigers,|Fleeing at eve before the huge serpents,|Men are killed and cut up like hemp,|While the beasts whet their fangs and lick the blood.
❍ 儿自幼随父出征,~,何曾有为祸之理?(《三国演义》二十九) When I was a boy I went with my father to the wars,where men are cut down like hemp stalks. There is not much retribution about such doings.


decimating the population;committing innumerable murders

杀人如麻sha rén rú má

杀死的人多得像乱麻一样数不清。kill people like flies, commit innumerable murders, decimate the population





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