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单词 机不可失,时不再来

机不可失,时不再来jī bù kě shī, shí bù zài lái

don't let slip an opportunity' it may never come again; he that will not when he may. when he will he shall have nay; Iost opportunity never comes again; now or never; one can't afrord to let the oPPortunity pass by(/one can't afford to let the opportunity slip through one's fjngers) as lOSt time will never come again;opportunity knocks but once; opportunities do not wait
❍ 我从他嘴里最常听到的是这几句话: “这是最紧要的关头,” “这是最后的机会,” “此真千载一时之机,万不可失”,“~”等等,总是把我说得心眼里发痒。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》222) 1 was always hearing from him SUCh ohrases as: “This is the most critical stage";“this is the last chance": “now is the decisive moment when the course of the next thousand years will be settIed: this chance must not be missed”; “d o not lose this opportunity—it will never come again”; and so on. He had the knack Of talking me into a state Of high excitement.
❍ ~。机会送上门,就要抓住它。When opportunity presents itself ,seize it,for opportunity knocks but once.

机不可失,时不再来ji bu ke shi,shi bu zai lai

don’t let slip an opportunity as it may never come again


Opportunity knocks but once; Don’t let slip an opportunity as it may never come again.





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更新时间:2024/11/15 15:34:24