机(機)jīⅠ ❶ (机器) machine;engine: 缝纫 ~ sewing machine; 焊接 ~ welding machine; 挤奶 ~ milking machine; 加数 ~ adding machine; 内燃 ~ internal-combustion engine; 挖泥 ~ dredging machine ❷ (飞机) aircraft;aeroplane;plane: 客 ~ passenger plane; 运输 ~ transport plane;airfreighter; 战斗 ~ fighting aircraft;fighter plane; 她乘 ~ 返回英国。 She went back to England aboard an aeroplane. 他以一分钟10英里的速度驾 ~ 飞行。 He flew 10 miles a minute in his aeroplane. ❸ (事情变化的关键;有重要关系的环节) crucial point;pivot;key link: 生 ~ lease of life; 事 ~ affairs that should be kept secret 转 ~ a turning point;a turn for the better ❹ (机会) chance;occasion;opportunity: 趁 ~ take advantage of the occasion;seize the opportunity [chance];见 ~ 行事 do as one sees fit;use one's discretion; 随 ~应变 adapt oneself to changing conditions;act according to circumstances; 失去良 ~ waste a good opportunity; 选择良 ~ choose a good opportunity;~ 不可失,时不再来。 Opportunity knocks but once. ❺ (生活机能) organic: 无 ~ 化学 inorganic chemistry; 有 ~ 体 organism ❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 汜 Ji Si Ⅱ (能迅速适应事物的变化的;灵活) flexible;quick-witted: ~ 变 flexible;sly;~ 警 alert;sharp-witted;vigilant;~ 巧 adroit;ingenious ◆机不可失 Such a chance must not be missed [lost].;a golden opportunity not to be missed;Don't let such an opportunity slip.; 机舱 engine room;passenger compartment;cabin;machinery space; 机铲 power shovel;spader; 机场 airdrome;airfield;airport;flying field;Adrm;aerodrome; 机车 locomotive;engine;haulage motor;loco; 机船 motor vessel; 机床 machine tool; 机电 electromechanical; 机电一体化 mechatronics; 机动 motor-driven;motorized;flexible;expedient;mobile;manoeuvrable;keep in reserve;for emergency use; 机动车 motor vehicle;automotive vehicle;locomotive car; 机读目录 machine-readable calalogue; 机读文献 machine-readable document; 机断 act on one's own judgment in an emergency; 机帆船 auxiliary powered vessel;motor sailer; 机房 generator room;motor room;engine room of a ship;machine room;hall; 机耕 tractor-ploughing; 机工 equipment operator;machinist;mechanician; 机构 mechanism;organ;organization;institution;facility;rigging;setup; 机构改革 institutional reform;reform of organization; 机关 mechanism;gear;machine-operated;office;organ;institution;body;stratagem;scheme;intrigue; 机关算尽 rack one's brains in scheming;use all sorts of intrigues and wiles; 机号 device number;cut; 机会 chance;opportunity; 机会均等 equal opportunity for all.;equality of opportunity; 机会难得 It's a rare chance.;Now or never.; 机会主义 opportunism; 机件 parts;work;machine member;organ;machine parts; 机井 motor-pumped well; 机警 alert;sharp-witted;vigilant; 机具 machines and tools; 机壳 chassis;body;envelope; 机库 hangar; 机理 mechanisation;mechanization;mechanism; 机灵 clever;smart;sharp;intelligent;up to trap;give a start; 机密 secret;classified;confidential;privacy;secret; 机敏 alert and resourceful;touch; 机谋 stratagem;artifice;scheme; 机能 function;enginery; 机票 passenger ticket; 机器 machine;machinery;engine;apparatus;organ; 机器人 robot; 机枪 machine gun;stutterer; 机巧 adroit;ingenious; 机群 a group of planes;(air) fleet; 机身 {航空} fuselage;frame;body; 机体 organism;airframe; 机头 headpiece;nose;nosing; 机尾 tail; 机窝 stable; 机务段 locomotive depot; 机务人员 maintenance personnel;ground crew; 机箱 chassis;case;crate; 机械 machinery;machine;mechanism;mechanical;inflexible;rigid; 机械厂 machinery works [plant];机械化 mechanize; 机械化养鸡场 mechanized ckicken farm; 机械加工 {工} machining;machine work;machining operation;mechanical treatment;mechanical working;tool finish; 机械能 mechanical energy;mechanical capacity; 机械手 {机} manipulator;Extraman;iron-hand;machine hand;magic hand;mechanical arm;mechanical finger;mechanical hand;robot;transfer arm; 机械性能 mechanical behavior [character;property];机心 a mind given to deception or trickery movement; 机型 type model; 机修厂 machine repair shop; 机修车间 machine repair shop;mechanical repair shop;overhaul shop; 机要部门 departments in charge of confidential or important work; 机要员 cryptographer;cipher officcr; 机翼 {航空} wing;wing unit;aerofoil;airfoil; 机油 engine oil;machine oil; 机遇 favourable circumstances;opportunity;chance; 机(组人)员 crew; 机缘 good luck;lucky chance; 机长 aircraft commander;crew commander;captain of an airplane; 机罩 hood; 机制 machine-processed;machine-made;mechanism; 机制转换 mechanism transform; 机智 quick-witted;resourceful; 机智勇敢 be resourceful and brave;brave and steadfast; 机轴 boss rod; 机杼 loom; 机助翻译 machine aided translation; 机组 set;assembling unit;machine set;plant unit;team;unit assembly;aircrew;flight crew |