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单词 望风而逃

望风而逃wàng fēng ér táo

flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force; run away at the rumor of sb’s approach; turn tail at the mere rustle of a leaf
❍ 曹操以百万之众,闻吾之名。~; 今汝何人,敢不投降? (《三国演义》553) Dare you withst and me and not surrender when Cao Cao’s hundred legions fled at my name?/过去抗战打鬼子,他们~,跑得无影无踪,现在他们又从老鼠窟窿里钻出来,想独吞胜利果实! (知侠《铁道游击队》575) In the war against the Japanese,they turned tail at the mere rustle of a leaf,now they come out of their rat holes to grab the fruits of victory.

望风而逃wang feng er tao

flee at the mere sight of sb.


flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force

望风而逃wànɡ fēnɡ ér táo

老远看到对方的气势很盛就吓得逃跑了。flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force, flee pell-mell, flee before sb.





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