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单词 precious
precious/′preʃ əs/ adj, adv & n

adj (1)贵重的 (having much value):~gems/stones/jewels 宝石/宝石/珠宝;the~metals 贵金属;She owned many~antiques. 她有很多贵重的古董。the most~gifts最贵重的礼物;The beautiful piece of glass is very~. 那块漂亮的玻璃很珍贵。Salt is nearly as~as gold in many places. 在很多地方盐几乎像黄金一样贵重。〖同〗costly,dear,expensive,valuable,invaluable;

(2)珍贵(爱)的,宝贵的 (greatly loved or valued) [A (to)]: a~momento of happy times 幸福生活的珍贵纪念;Her friendship/Her love/She is most~to me. 她的友谊/她的爱/她对我来说最为珍贵。~moments together 在一起的宝贵时光;Each life/Time is~. 每一条生命都是/时间是宝贵的。that~husband of yours 你那宝贝丈夫;〖同〗valuable,treasured,prized,valued,beloved,lovable;

(3)(指语言、作风等)过于考究(精细)的,矫揉造作的 ((of language style etc) unnaturally perfect or fine; too much concerned with unimportant details)(derog): poetry full of~images 通篇都是不恰当比喻的诗歌;a slightly~prose style 有些矫揉造作的散文风格;a~old-fashioned lady in her 90's 一位过于守旧的90多岁的老妇人;a rather~young man 一个很做作的年轻人;〖同〗affected, overrefined, particular;

(4)相当的(considerable)(infml): A~lot of good that will do! 那好处可真够大的!

→′preciously adv 矫揉造作地;′preciousness n 贵重;珍贵;

adv 非常,很 (very)(infml) (用于little, few前面): There's~little they can learn from him. 他们从他那里能学到的东西非常少。P~few people can understand him. 很少有人能懂得他的意思。

n亲爱的 ((used as an affectionate name when speaking to sb) dear)(infml) (与某人说话时称呼对方的爱称): What did you say, (my)~? 你说什么,(我)亲爱的?

【辨异】preciousvaluable 都可用于形容某物很宝贵。precious 用于强调具有特别高价值的,往往指由于稀少而珍贵的,如: a precious thing, treasure beyond diamond or rubies (一件贵重的东西,比钻石或红宝石还要贵重的珍宝)。valuable (值钱的)含义为很值钱的或在买卖中有卖高价的可能或机会的,如: David has a valuable art collection. (大卫有很值钱的艺术藏品。)





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