曲径通幽qū jìng tōng yōua winding path leads to a secluded retreat (/spot) ❍ 莫如直书古人~这旧句在上,倒也大方。(《红楼梦》189)❶So why not use that line from an old poem: A winding path leads to a secluded retreat. A name like that would be more dignified. ❷I suggest we should call it “Pathway to Mysteries”after the line in Chang Jian’s poem about the mountain temple: A path winds upwards to mysterious places. A name like that would be more distinguisted. ❍ 清晨入古寺,初日照高林;~处,禅房花木深。(常建《破山寺后禅院》) At dawn I come to the convent old|While the rising sun tips its tall trees with gold,|As darkly,by a winding path I reach|Dhyana’s hall,hidden midst fir and beech. 曲径通幽qū jīnɡ tōnɡ yōu径:小路;幽:指幽深僻静的地方。弯曲的小路可以通向幽深僻静的地方。形容景色幽雅别致。a winding path leading to a secluded spot, a winding path leads to a secluded retreat |