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单词 暴殄天物

暴殄天物bào tiǎn tiān wù

a reckless waste of grain,etc; let things go to waste; wantonly destroy(/waste) products of nature; waste (/misuse)things; be cruel and destructive to the creatures of Heaven
❍ 若派出两个一定的人来,既有许多值钱的东西,任人作践了,也似乎~; …… (《红楼梦》710) But if a couple of women are assigned to take charge,all the valuable things here won’t be squandered—it’s a shame to let them go to waste.
❍ 今商王受无道,~,害虐烝民,为天下逋逃主,萃渊薮。(《尚书·武成》) Shou,the king of Shang,is without principle,cruel and destructive to the creatures of Heaven,injurious and tyrannical to the multitudes of the people,chief of the vagabonds of the empire who collect about him as fish in the deep,and beasts in the prairie.

暴殄天物bào tiǎn tiān wù

暴:残害;殄:灭绝。指任意损害、糟蹋。a reckless waste of grain, etc., a reckless waste of the products of nature





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