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单词 临渊羡鱼

临渊羡鱼lín yuān xiàn yú

stand by the pond and long for fish; stand on the edge of a pool and idly long for fish; cherish illusions
❍ 是威武,可惜你我手无寸铁, 还不是~吆。 (李六如 《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—121)They’re really splendid! Too bad we were not armed like them ourselves and can only stand here and vainly admire them.
❍ ~,不如归而结网。(《汉书·礼乐志》) It is better to go back and make a net than to stand by the pond and long for fish.

临渊羡鱼lin yuan xian yu

stand by a pond longing for fish

临渊羡鱼lín yuān xiàn yú

渊:深渊;羡:希望得到。在深水潭边看到鱼很想得到,还不如回去织网。比喻只是空想,不去努力工作,毫无用处。one should take practical steps to achieve one’s aims, cherish illusions, empty wish and hope





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