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单词 rank
释义 rank1 /raeqk; raegk/ n 1 [C] line of persons or things: (指人或物) 一列; 一排; 一行: a 'cab- ~. 一长列出租汽车。 Take the taxi at the head of the ~, the first one in the line. 乘坐排在前头的那部计程车。 2 number of soldiers placed side by side (on parade, usu in three lines, called the front, centre and the rear ~s 士兵列成之横排 (阅兵时,通常为三排,称为'前排'、'中排'及'后排') 。 keep/break ~, remain/fail to remain in line. 保持队形 (出列; 掉队) 。 3 the ~s; the ~ and file; other ~s, ordinary- soldiers, ie privates, corporals, etc contrasted with officers. 士兵 (与辈官相里) 。 be reduced to the ~s, (of a non-commissioned officer, eg a sergeant) made an ordinary private soldier (as a punishment). (指士官) 降级为士兵 (做为一种处罚) 。 rise from the ~s, (of an ordinary soldier) be given a commission as an officer. (指普通士兵) 被任命为军官。 4 [C, U] position in a scale; distinct grade in the armed forces; category or class: 等级; 军队中的官阶; 种属; 阶层: promoted to the ~ of captain; 擢升到上尉军阶; above/below a major in ~; 在阶级上高于 (低于) 少校; officers of high ~; 高级军官; hold the ~ .of colonel; 保有上校军阶; persons of high ~, of high social position; 戒会地位甚高的人; people of all ~s and classes; 客阶层的人; be in the ~s of the unemployed; 属于失弃者群; a painter of the first ~; 第一流的画家; a second- ~ (more usu 较常用 second-rate) dancer. 第二流的舞路家。 pull ~ on sb, use one's superior position to gain an advantage over him. 利用职权击制某人。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, 16B] put or arrange in a ~ or ~s; put in a class: 排列成行; 列属某类: Where/ How do you ~ Addison as an essayist? 你把阿狄生列为那一类的散文家? Would you ~ him among the world's great statesmen? 你会把他列为世界上伟大政治家之一吗? 2 [VP3A] have a place: 占有一地位: Does he ~ among/with the failures? 他该算是一个失败者吗? 4 major ~s above a captain. 少校侩级高于上尉。 Wil! my shares ~ for the next dividend? 我的股份可以分到下次的股息吗? 5 ~ing officer, (US) the officer of highest ~ present. (美) 在场的最高级军官。




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