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❶ (光线不足;黑暗;暗淡) dark;dim;dull:~ 绿 dark green;~ 紫色 dull purple;
灯光很 ~。 The light is rather dim. 天色渐 ~。 It's getting dark.
❷ (不显露的;秘密的) hidden;secret:明人不做 ~ 事。 A person who is aboveboard does nothing underhand.
❸ [书] (糊涂;不明了的) unclear;hazy;vague:对情况若明若 ~ have only a vague idea of the situation
❹ (地下的) underground:~ 沟 underground [closed,blind] drainage Ⅱ ❶ (私下地进行) secretly:~ 杀 kill secretly
❷ (在黑暗中) in the dark:他在 ~ 中摸索着找门把手。 He groped for the door handle in the dark.
◆暗暗喝采 applaud in one's heart;
暗斑 macula;
暗堡 bunker;
暗藏 hide;conceal;
暗娼 illicit prostitution;unlicensed prostitute;unregistered prostitute;
暗处 dark place;obscure corner;secret place;
暗[黯]淡 dim;dismal;dull;faint;gloomy;
暗淡无光 dim and dark;be gloomy;fall into the shade;in dim and dreary colours;
暗敌 a snake in the grass;
暗地(里) secretly;inwardly;on the sly;on the quiet;
暗度陈仓 advance secretly by [along] an unknown path;act before another is aware;do a thing in secret;do one thing under cover of another;have illicit sexual relations;secret and illegal relations between sweet hearts;taste secret bliss with sb.;
暗沟 blind ditch [drain];subdrain;covered sewerage;covered [secret] gutter;
暗管 concealed [conduit] piping;covered conduit;
暗害 kill secretly;assassinate;murder;stab in the back;
暗号 secret signal [sign];countersign;cipher;code signal;secret password;
暗盒[匣] {摄} cassette;holder;magazine;cartridge;film magazine;
暗箭 an arrow shot from hiding;a stab in the back;attack by a hidden enemy;secret activities designed to hurt sb.;a sneak attack;
暗箭难防 An arrow shot from ambush is something difficult to guard against.;A covert attack is hard to avoid.;
暗箭伤人 injure sb. with a secret arrow;wound with a sniping arrow;a stab in the back;anomalous attack on others;
暗礁 reef;submerged reef [rock];sunken reef [rock];ledge;shelf;
暗礁险滩 hidden shoals and dangerous reefs;hidden reefs and dangerous shallows;
暗井 {矿} blind shaft;winze;bonstay;jackshaft;pique;staple;staple pit;staple shaft;
暗里藏刀 Concealed on his person is a bowie knife.;
暗流 undercurrent;dark current;subterranean flow;
暗码 private mark;secret code;secret signs;
暗器 hidden weapons;concealed weapons;
暗杀 assassinate;
暗伤 internal [invisible] injury;internal [invisible] damage;dark burn;
暗示 hint;drop [give] a hint;hint at;imply;implicit;intimate;insinuate;suggest;be suggestive of;put a bug [flea] in sb.'s ear;{心} suggestion;intimation;insinuation;
暗室{摄} darkroom;photographic laboratory;
暗送秋波 make eyes at a man [woman] (while others are not looking);cast sheep's eyes at one of the opposite sex;convey one's love by stealing a look;leer at;make secret overtures to sb.;
暗算 plot against;secret plot;plot in secret;
暗通关节 bribe people in power;make secret deals with sb.;
暗无天日 complete darkness;an abyss of darkness;be days of darkness;dark as hell;gross lack of justice under misgovern ̄ ment;pitchy darkness;lawlessness;so cloudy that there is no sun — corrupt politics;total absence of justice;
暗笑 laugh in [up] one's sleeve;snigger;snicker;laugh in one's heart;laugh behind another's back;
暗语 code word;argot;
暗喻 a concealed analogy;metaphor;
暗指 insinuation;hint at;infer;
暗中 in the dark;in secret;on the sly;stealthily;surreptitiously;
暗中策划 plot in the dark;conspire on the sly;
暗中串通 collude with;conspire;
暗中捣乱 make trouble behind sb.'s back;
暗中勾结 make secret deals with sb.;collude with;
暗中监视 keep one's watch in secret;
暗中了结 hush up a matter (by paying people off or some other clandestine means);
暗中摸索 grope in the dark (to find ...);feel about in the dark;know things only by guessing;search about blindly;
暗自庆幸 consider oneself lucky;rejoice in secret at (such) a stroke of luck;congratulate oneself;congratulate oneself privately;rejoice in secret at (such) a stroke of luck;
暗自思量 turn sth. over in one's mind secretly;say sth. to oneself





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