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单词 code
释义 code /kaod; kod/ n [C] 1 collection of laws arranged in a system. 法典:法规; 章程; 规程。 2 system of rules and principles that has been accepted by society or a class or group of people: (社会或某阶层所遂守的) 礼法; 规约:惯例; 道德律: a high moral ~; 崇高的道德准则; a ~ of honour. 社交礼法; 绅士淑女之道。 You must live up to the ~ of the school, accept its unwritten rules of honour and conduct. 你必须避守学校的传统规约。 3 (also 亦作 [U]) system of signs used for secrecy or brevity, eg in wartime, or for economy in sending cables, or for a computer: 密码 (如在战时用以保守机密者); (打电报或电脑中所用以求节时省字的) 电码: send a message in ~; 用密码发送消息; a 'telegraph ~; (电报之) 电码; a ~ telegram; 密码电报; 电码蕾报; a tfive-'letter ~,eg one in which BXYMA stands for a phrase or sentence. 五字母密码 (如 BXYMA 即代表一片语或句子) 。 break a ~, discover how to interpret a secret 解密码。 the 'Morse ~, using dots and dashes for letters and numerals. 摩尔斯电码 (用点及长画代表字母和数字) 。 vt (also 亦作 en ~ /en'ksud; cn'kod/) put in a ~ (3); decode. 编成密码; 译成电码。




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