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❶ (扁平物上下两面之间的距离大) thick: ~ 棉衣 a heavy padded coat;~ 木板 a thick plank;~ 嘴唇 thick lips
❷ (感情深) deep;profound: 深情 ~ 谊 profound friendship
❸ (忠厚;厚道) kind;magnanimous: 忠 ~ honest and kind
❹ (利润、礼物价值等大) large;generous: ~ 礼 generous gifts;~ 利 large profits;~ 薪 high pay
❺ (味道浓) rich or strong in flavour: 酒味很 ~。 The wine tastes strong. Ⅱ (优待;推崇;重视) favour;stress: ~ 死薄生 praise for the dead and contempt for the living Ⅲ ❶ (厚度) thickness;depth: 雪下了3尺多 ~。 Snow fell to a depth of over three chi. 这堵墙有多 ~? What's the thickness of the wall?
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 明 Hou Ming
◆厚爱 great kindness;treat very kindly and generously;
厚板 thick plate;
厚玻璃 heavy sheet glass;
厚薄 (厚度) thickness;
厚布帘 drape;
厚层 thick-layer;deep-bed;
厚酬 handsome reward or remuneration;
厚唇者 thicklip;
厚此薄彼 favour one more than another;apply the most-favoured clause to one country and set up almost a tariff wall against another;be biased;be liberal to one and stingy to another;discriminate against one and favour the other;favour one and be prejudiced against the other;favour one and discriminate against the other;give handsome treatment to one and niggardly treatment to the other;give royal welcome to one and cold reception to the other;give too much to one and too little to another;make fish of one and flesh [fowl] of another;make invidious distinctions;say turkey to one and buzzard to another;The treatment accorded to one is out of all proportion to that accorded to the other.;treat with partiality;Why slight A and honour B when on personal merits it should be the other way round?;厚赐 reward generously;
厚大衣 greatcoat;
厚待 treat kindly and generously;kindhearted;
厚道 honest and kind;virtous and sincere;
厚底鞋 pantshoes;
厚度 thickness;land;
厚墩墩 very thick;
厚恩 kind favours;great indebtedness;
厚帆布 sailcloth;cottonine;
厚钢板 heavy plate;coarse plate;iron plate;plate steel;rough plate;
厚古薄今 lay more stress on the past than on the present;esteem the past over the present;lay [put;place] emphasis on the ancient as against the contemporary;pay more attention to the past than to the present;stress the past,not the present;value the past and slight the present;
厚光纸 ivory;
厚今薄古 lay more stress on the present than on the past;emphasize the new and de-emphasize the old;stress the present,not the past;
厚礼 lavish gifts;liberal presents;
厚利 substantial profit;
厚脸皮 thick-skinned;brazen;cheeky;shameless;
厚禄 high government pay;
厚毛方围巾 blakeshawl;
厚毛毯 carpet blanket;
厚毛织手套 haling hands;
厚貌深情 kindly in appearance but unfathomable at heart;
厚煤层 high seam;thick (coal) seam;
厚眉鱼 Hottentot;
厚密法兰绒 swanskin;
厚棉带 imperial tape;
厚呢 castor;
厚篷帆布 reformee;
厚皮 pachydermia;pachyderma;
厚平纹棉织物 spinaker;
厚朴 {植} Mangnolia officinalis;{中药} bark of magnolia;
厚漆 paste paint;
厚情难却 Kind feelings are hard to refuse.;
厚邱 a surname;
厚人薄己 treat others well but be frugal with oneself;
厚绒布 fleece lined goods;
厚舌 pachyglossal;pachyglossia;
厚生 improve people's living condition;
厚实 thick and solid;
厚死薄生 praise for the dead and contempt for the living;
厚松板 deal;
厚透镜 {光} thick lens;
厚外衣 camelot baracane;
厚望 great hope;high expectations;
厚颜 thick-skinned;brazen;cheeky;
厚颜无耻 have no shame;be lost [dead] to shame;be past shame;be quite without shame;brass-visaged;brazen (as) bold as brass;brazen-faced;have a nerve;have the front [gall;hide] to do sth.;impudent;shameless (beyond description);too impudent and shameless;
厚意 great cordiality;good will;kind thought;kindness;sincere feeling;
厚意不忘 A sincere purpose is unforgettable.;
厚谊 deep friendship or hospitality;
厚翼 thick wing;
厚油层 thick oil pay;
厚葬 an elaborate funeral;
厚纸 ground paper;
厚重 [书] goodmannered;decorous;dignified;stately;
厚装甲坦克 heavily armored tank;
厚自封殖[植] greatly amass one's wealth





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