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(写字; 记录; 书写) write: 大 ~ 特 ~ record in letters of gold; write volumes about; 振笔直 ~ take up the pen and write vigorously Ⅱ ❶ (字体) style of calligraphy; script: 楷 ~ regular script
❷ (装订成册的著作) book: 教师[学生]用 ~ a teachers' [students'] book; 绝版 ~ a book out of print; 竹简 ~ bamboo books; 我从书店订购了一些新 ~。 I ordered some new books from the bookstore.
❸ (书信) letter: 家 ~ a letter to [from] home
❹ (文件) document: 国 ~ letter of credence; credentials; 批准 ~ instrument of ratification; 议定 ~ protocol; 证 ~ certificate
◆书案 [书] writing desk;
书包 schoolbag; satchel;
书报 books and newspapers;
书背 spine (of a book);
书本 book;
书标 book label; label;
书不尽言 There is more what I want to say but cannot.; cannot write out wholly what one wants to say;
书橱 bookcase;
书呆子 pedant; bookworm; bookish;
书丹 write (in red ink) for stone inscriptions;
书挡 bookend;
书店 bookstore; book shop;
书牍 [书] letters; written messages;
书蠹 book ̄ worm;
书法 handwriting; penmanship; calligraphy;
书法家 calligrapher;
书坊 [旧] bookshop;
书房 study;
书归正传 Let us come back to our main story.;
书柜 bookcase;
书号 book number; call number;
书后 postscript;
书画 painting and calligraphy;
书籍 books; works; literature;
书脊 spine; ridge; backbone;
书记(员) secretary; clerk;
书架 bookshelf (pl. bookshelves); bookrack;
书简 letters; correspondence;
书经 The Book of History;
书局 publishing house; press;
书卡 book card;
书刊 books and periodicals;
书口 book margin usu. with the title of the book and the page number;
书库 stack; stack room;
书立 bookend;
书簏 a bamboo trunk for books;
书录 index containing such data as the editions, illustrations, commentaries and sources of a certain book or certain publications;
书眉 the top of a page; top margin;
书面 written; in written form; in writing;
书名 the title of a book; title;
书目 bibliographica; booklist; title catalogue;
书目信息服务 information service of bibliography; 书皮 book cover; book jacket; dust cover; cover;
书评 book review;
书签 a title label pasted on the cover of a Chinese-style thread-bound book; book ̄ mark;
书商 bookman;
书生 intellectual; scholar;
书生气 bookishness; a bookish approach; a bookish cast of mind;
书摊 bookstall; bookstand;
书套 slipcase; sleeve; slipcover; forel; forrel;
书亭 book-kiosk; bookstall;
书童 [旧] a boy serving in a scholar's study;
书屋 study;
书香门第 a family of scholar(s); a literary family; a scholar-gentry family; a scholarly family;
书写 write;
书信 letter; written message;
书信体 epistolary style;
书页 page;
书院 academy of classical learning;
书札 [书] letters; correspondence;
书斋 study;
书展 book fair;
书桌 desk; writing desk

❸style of calligraphy;script
加入~instrument of accession/批准~instrument of ratification; instrument of approval/投降~ instrument of surrender/上诉~ instrument of appeal/承诺~instrument of commitment/授权~instrument of delegation /起诉~document instituting proceedings/退约~ instrument of denunciation/篆~seal script(zhuan shu)/隶~official script(li shu)/楷~regular script (kai shu)/行~running script(xing shu)/草~cursive script (cao shu)





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