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单词 cock
释义 cock1 /kok; kak/ n 1 (used alone) adult male bird of the domestic or farmyard fowl (US 美 - rooster) → the illus at fowl. (单独用) 公鸡; 雄鸡 (参看 fowl 之插图) 。 '~-crow n early dawn. 天初亮; 黎明; 破房; 拂晓。, ~-a-'hoop adj, adv with boastful crowing; exultant (ly). 意气扬扬的 (地); 狂喜的 (地) 。 ~-a-doodle-doo /,kok s (du: drdu:; 'kakoydudl'du/ n the crow of the ~ (1); child's name for a ~ (1). 雄鸡的啼声; 喔喔; (儿语之) 雄鸡。 nd-'bull story, foolish story that one should not believe. 无稽之谈。 '~-fighting n fighting by game→ s as a sport for onlookers, → game' (6). 斗鸡游戏 (以供玩赏者) 。 live like 'fighting- ~s, live on the best possible food, 享受最佳的食物; 过奢侈生活。 ~ of the walk. person who dominates others. 某行业的首领: 头子; 头目。 2 (in compounds) male of other kinds of bird: (用于复合字中) 别种鸟类的雄者:加 → ~; 雄孔雀; ~-'sparrqw; 雄麻雀;, ~- 'robin. 雄知更鸟。




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