昏hūnⅠ ❶ (傍晚;黄昏) dusk: 晨 ~ at dawn and dusk ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 勤 Hun QinⅡ ❶ (黑暗;模糊) dark;dim: 天 ~ 地暗 a murky sky over a dark earth;dark all round ❷ (头脑迷糊;神志不清) confused;muddled: 利令智 ~ be blinded by lust for gain; 以其 ~ ~ ,使人昭昭,是不行的。 Those in the dark are in no position to light the way for others. Ⅲ (失去知觉) lose consciousness;faint: ~ 倒 fall into a swoon;go off into a faint;fall unconscious; 他 ~ 过去了。 He fainted away. ◆昏暗 dim;dusky; 昏侧 {天} dusk side;evening side; 昏沉 murky;dazed;befuddled; 昏呆 stupor;narco; 昏倒 fall down in a faint;fall unconscious;faint; 昏定晨省 attend upon one's parents personally;visit [care for] one's parents day and night; 昏黑 dusky;dark; 昏花 dim-sighted; 昏黄 pale yellow;faint;dim; 昏昏沉沉 have dizzy spells;dizzy and sleepy;One's mind is in a whirl.; 昏昏入睡 sink into a deep sleep; 昏昏好梦 (They were still) dreaming pleasant dreams; 昏昏迷迷 be half unconscious; 昏昏欲睡 be sleepy [drowsy];A drowsy feeling crept [came] over (somebody);One's eyes draw [gather;pick] straws.;(The cool river breeze would blow so gently as) to make people sleepy.; 昏厥 faint;swoon; 昏君 a fatuous and self-indulgent ruler; 昏聩 decrepit and muddleheaded; 昏聩龙钟 dim vision and dullness of senility; 昏聩无能 decrepit and muddleheaded;muddleheaded and incompetent; 昏聩愚昧 being stupefied and foolish; 昏乱 dazed and confused;befuddled; 昏蒙麻醉法 narcoanesthesia;narcoanaesthe ̄ sia; 昏迷 stupor;coma;muzziness;exanimation;cataphora;knockdown; 昏睡 lethargic sleep;lethargy;exanimation;trance;hypnody;a deep slumber; 昏睡性痉挛 narcospasm; 昏天黑地 pitch-dark;in pitch darkness;dizzy;loose;perverted;decadent;dark rule and social disorder; 昏头昏脑 addlebrained;addleheaded;mudddleheaded;absentminded;forgetful;confused;not to know of [whether] one is standing on one's head or one's heels;make someone dizzy;One's head reels.; 昏头转向 confused and dizzy;with a swirling head; 昏雾敝天 The sky became overcast with heavy clouds.; 昏星 {天} evening star;Vesperus (=Vesper); 昏眩 dizzy;giddy; 昏影终 ending of evening twilight; 昏庸 fatuous;imbecile;muddleheaded;stupid |