释义 |
慎终追远shèn zhōng zhuī yuǎnvenerate the departed and continue their sacrifices; act with discretion ❍ 曾子曰: “~,民德归厚矣。”(《论语·学而〉)The philosopher Zeng said,“Let there be a careful attention to perform the funeral rites to parents,and let them be followed when long gone with the ce remonies of sacrifices; —then the virtue of the people will resume its proper excellence.”/五间正殿前,悬一块闹龙填青匾,写道是: “~”。(《红楼梦》669) The tablet over the entrance to the main hall was engraved with frolicking dragons,and bore the intagliated motto in blue: “Venerate the Departed,ContinueTheir Sacrifices.” |