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单词 background
background/′bækɡraʊnd/ n

(1) 背(后之)景 (what can be seen behind sb/sth in a view scene painting photograph or description) [C sing]:a white~covered with blue stars 白色的背景上布满蓝色的星星; red flowers on a green~绿底上的红花;The painting showed trees in the foreground and mountains in the~. 这幅画以树木为近景,以群山为背景。paint a ship against a~of stormy skies 以暴风雨中的天空为背景画一条船;〖反〗foreground;

(2) 背景1) 环境背景 (conditions under which sth happens or exists) [C, 通sing]:cultural/social~文化/社会背景;the~of the war 战争背景;explain the~to the situation 解释形势背景;(election) take place against a~of wide-spread unemployment (选举)在失业的浪潮之中举行;~information背景资料;speak against a~of noise 在一片嘈杂声中讲话;〖同〗environment;circumstances; 2)人的(社会、教育、 历史)背景经历(person's origins education and experience) [C]:His~qualifies him for his office.他的经历使他有资格担任此职。a perfect~for the job 出身经历非常适合这个工作;have a working-class~工人(家庭)出身;people of excellent/different~资历优秀/不同的人;come from an impoverished/socially privileged~出身贫寒/特权阶层;be ashamed of one's humble~因自己出身卑微而害羞;marry despite the differences in~s不顾出身差异而结婚;3)背景材料 (information necessary for the understanding of sth) [U]:give sb more~(=~information) on the company's financial position 再给某人提供一些关于这家公司财政状况的材料;

(3) 不显眼的位置 (not very noticeable position)[C, 通常sing]:be/be kept in the~处于/被置于不引人注意的位置;The real power in this company lies with him, but he always stays in the~.他掌握着这家公司的实权,但他总是呆在幕后。remain in the~during the wedding 婚礼过程中一直不出面;

(4) 陪衬气氛 (a subordinate or not easily noticeable accompaniment or impression)[C]:The music was a fine~to dinner. 这音乐使吃饭时有一种幽雅的气氛。~music 背景(陪衬)音乐





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