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单词 时过境迁

时过境迁shí guò jìng qiān

the time is over and the circumstances are different; the time and the situation have both changed
❍ 凡我国民,应尽吾雪耻之天职,并望勿为五分钟之热度,~,又复忘怀,则吾国真不救矣。(《民国通俗演义》一○六) All the people in the country should perform their bounden duty to wipe out our humiliation,and I hope you will not display temporary and passing enthusiasm which will be forgotten when the time is over and the circumstances are different. In that case our nation will never be saved.


circumstances change with the passage of time;times have passed and circumstances have altered; events have passed and the situation has changed;things change with the passage of time;the incident is over and the circumstances are different

时过境迁shí ɡuò jìnɡ qiān

境:环境,境遇;迁:改变,变迁。时间推移,情况也随之发生变化。Times have passed and circumstances have changed. the time and the situation have both changed





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