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❶ (早晨) morning: 清 ~ early in the morning; 从 ~ 到晚 from morning till night
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 乐东 Zao LedongⅡ (很久以前) long ago; as early as; for a long time: ~ 在童年时代 as early as in the childhood; 他 ~ 走了。He left long ago. 我 ~ 知道了。 I knew that long ago.; That's no news to me. Ⅲ ❶ (时间在先的) early: ~ 白头 premature white hair; ~ 稻 early rice
❷ (比一定的时间靠前) early; beforehand; in advance: 提 ~ 交货 goods delivered in advance; ~ 作准备 get prepared in advance; make timely preparations; 你 ~ 点儿来。 Come early. 为时尚 ~。 It's still early. 天不 ~ 了。 It's getting late. ~ 知如此, 我就不回去了。 If I'd known this beforehand I would not have gone back.
❸ (问候的话, 用于早晨见面时互相招呼) good morning: 老师 ~ ! Good morning, teacher.
◆早安 good morning; 早班 fore-shift; morning shift; 早半天 [口] morning; before noon; 早搏 premature beat; 早餐 breakfast; déjeuner; 早操 morning (setting- up) exercises; 早产 {医} premature birth; premature labour; premature delivery; 早产儿 premature; premature baby; preemy; premie; preemie; premature infant; 早场 morning show; morning performance; 早车 morning train [coach]; 早晨 (early) morning; matinal; 早出晚归 go out early and come back at dusk; go out [go to work] early and come home late; go out in the morning and return in the evening; 早春 early spring; prevernae; 早稻 early season rice; 早点 (light) breakfast; 早饭 breakfast; 早花 {农} early blossoming; 早婚 marrying too early; early marriage; get married at an early age; 早就 long since; 早老 senilism; progeria; 早年 one's early years; 早期 early stage; early phase; prophase; 早起 [方] (early) morning; 早日 at an early date; early; soon; 早上 (early) morning; 早市 morning market [fair]; 早熟 {生理} precocity; paedogenesis; acceleration; early-maturing; early-ripe; 早衰 {医} progeria; senilism; presenility; premature senility; early ageing; 早霜 early frost; 早岁 one's early years; 早退 leave earlier than one should; leave early; 早晚 morning and evening; sooner or later; time; [方] some time in the future; some day; 早先 previously; in the past; 早泄 {医} premature ejaculation; ejaculation praecox; prospermia; 早已 long ago; for a long time; 早育 early child-bearing





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