释义 |
谈天说地tán tiān shuō dìcover a wide range of subjects—things celestial and terrestrial—in chatting;talk of everything under the sun ❍ 院子里很热闹,打排球的,打乒乓球的,~的,唱歌的,干什么的都有,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》470) The yard was very lively,with some people playing volleyball and pingpong,while others talked to each other,sang,and did all sorts of things. ❍ 他和难友们~、讲古论今,话题虽然很广泛,但中心思想总离不开讲革命道理。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》45) In chatting withh is fellow prisoners,though often covering a wide range of subjects—things celestial and terrestrial,ancient and modern,he never failed to centre on the main theme of revolution. 谈天说地tán tiān shuō dì形容话题非常广泛。talk about everything, in chatting, chat idly |