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单词 日新月异

日新月异rì xīn yuè yì

bring about changes day after day; change day by day (/rapidly/with each passing day); make constant (/incessant/never-ending) changes; continuous improvement; develop very rapidly
❍ 当代科学技术的发展~,而且新的发现和发明应用到工农业生产和国防中去,也越来越快了。Nowadays science and technology are developing very rapidly,and new discoveries and inventions are being applied to industrial and agricultural production and national defence ever more promptly.
❍ 教授之术,亦采法列强,教科之书,~。(吴趼人《痛史·原叙》) The teaching methods have been introduced from the big powers,and the text-books keep changing rapidly.


change with each passing day;under go changes day by day
我国的社会主义建设正在~地向前发展。Our socialist construction is forging ahead and bringing about changes day after day./科技进步~。Science and technology are making rapid advances./科学技术~的发展,转化为空前巨大的生产力。The rapidly developing science and technology is translated into unprecedentedly great productive forces.

日新月异rì xīn yuè yì

新:更新;异:不同。每天都在更新,每月都有不同。形容发展进步很快,不断出现新事物、新气象。change with each passing day, change day by day, alter from day to day





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