释义 |
日rìⅠ ❶ (太阳) sun: ~ 出 sunrise; ~ 落 sunset; 旭 ~ the rising [morning] sun; ~ 已西斜。 The sun declined toward the west. ❷ (白天) daytime; day: ~ ~ 夜夜 day and night; night and day; 夏季 ~ 长夜短。 In summer the days are long and the nights short. ❸ (一昼夜; 天) day: 今 ~ today; 多 ~ 不见了, 你好吗? Haven't seen you for a long time. How are you? 二十四小时为一 ~。 Twenty-four hours make a day. 一年三百六十五 ~ 。 There are three hundred and sixty five days in a year. ❹ (泛指某一段时间) time: 春 ~ springtime; spring; 来 ~ the days to come; the future; 往 ~ former days ❺ (日本) Japan: 抗 ~ 战争 the War of Resistance Against Japan Ⅱ (每天; 一天一天地) daily; every day; with each passing day: 产量 ~ 增。 Output is going up every day. 天气 ~ 渐寒冷。 It's getting colder and colder. ◆日班 day shift; 日斑 sunspot; 日报 daily paper; daily; 日本 Japan日薄西山 The sun is sinking in the west.; approaching one's grave; declining rapidly; nearing one's end; The sun is setting beyond the western hills.; 日不暇给 be fully occupied every day; hard pressed for time; have no time to spare; have insufficient time to attend to all things; 日常 day-to- day; everyday; usual; daily; 日场 day show; daytime performance; 日程 programme; schedule; agenda for the day; 日出 rise; sunrise; 日出而作, 日入而息 get up to work at sunrise and retire at sunset; 日戳 date stamp; dater; datemark; 日地物理学 solar-terrestrial physics; 日俄战争 Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905); 日珥 {天} prominence; solar prominence; 日耳曼人 Germanic people; 日复一日 day in and day out; from day to day; 日工 daywork; day labour; day labourer; 日工资 daily wage; 日光 sunlight; sunbeam; sunshine; rays of the sun; 日光灯 fluorescent lamp; daylight lamp; 日光浴 heliotherapy; sunbath; 日晷[规] horologe; sundial; dial; universal dial; gnomon; 日后 in the future; in days to come; 日环食 {天} annular eclipse; 日积月累 days and months multiplying; accumulate day by day and month by month; accumulate over a long period; Days accumulate and months increase — time passes.; 日记 diary; 日间 in the daytime; during the day; 日见 with each passing day; day by day; shows [reveals] day after day; 日渐 with each passing day; day by day; 日久 with the passing of time; in (the) course of time; 日久见人心 Time reveals a man's heart.; Time will tell a true friend from a false one.; 日久情深 The longer (they) stayed together the more passionately attached (they) became to each other.; 日久天长 for many, many years to come; after a considerable period of time; as the years go by; for a long, long time; in (the) course of time; 日就月将 with steady progress from day to day and from month to month; progress [improve] with the day; 日理万机 deal with a host of problems every day; attending to a myriad affairs daily; attend to hundreds of important matters every day; busy with a myriad of state affairs every day; handle much work every day; 日历 calendar; 日轮 solar disk; 日落 sunset; 日落西山 The sun sinks in the west.; The sun declined westward.; The sun goes down [sets] in the west.; The sun has fallen low in the sky.; The sun is setting in the west.; The sun sank behind the mountains.; The sun was now sinking behind the hills.; 日冕 {天} (solar) corona; 日暮途穷 be at [come to] the end of one's rope; approach the end of one's days; in one's decline; on one's last legs; reach (at) the end of one's tether; The day is waning and the road is ending.; 日内 in a few days; in a day or two; in a couple of days; 日内瓦 Geneva; 日偏食 {天} partial solar eclipse; 日期 date; 日前 a few days ago; the other day; 日趋 with each passing day; gradually; day by day; 日全食 {天} total solar eclipse; 日日夜夜 day and night; 日上三竿 The sun is three poles high.; It's late in the morning.; The sun has risen three poles high — it is already late in the morning.; The sun is riding high.; The sun was high in the sky.; 日射 {气} insolation; 日食[蚀] {天} eclipse of the sun; solar eclipse; 日头 [方] sun; 日托 day care; 日文 Japanese; the Japanese language; 日息 interest per diem; 日新月异 change rapidly; alter from day to day;bring about new changes; change for the better day by day, and month by month; flourish [change] with each passing day; incessant changes in; never-ending changes and improvements; 日心说 {天} heliocentric theory; 日夜 day and night; night and day; round the clock; 日夜商店 day and night shop; 日以继夜 day in and day out; round the clock; stay up till dawn; 日益 increasingly; more and more; with each passing day; day by day; 日用 daily expenses; of everyday use; 日用品 articles of everyday use; 日语 Japanese (language); 日元 yen; 日月 life; livelihood; {穴位} Riyue (G 24); 日月经天,江河行地 as the sun and moon in the heavens, and the rivers flowing across the land — eternally unchangeable; be permanent like the sun and the moon passing through the sky or rivers flowing across the land; eternal and self-evident; 日月星辰 the sun, moon and stars; the sun, the moon and the stars; 日晕 {气} solar halo; aureole; 日照 sunshine; 日志 daily record; journal; 日中 [书] noon; midday; 日子 day; date; days; time; life; livelihood 日day 日❶daytime;day ❷day; daily ~交易量daily trading volume/~交易者day trader/~结单daily statement/~利率day rate (interest); rate (interest) per diem/~牌价quotation of the day/~平均daily mean |