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单词 谄上欺下

谄上欺下chǎn shàng qī xià

be servile to one’s superiors and tyrannical to one’s subordinates; fawn on those above and bully those below; high-hat;snobbish
❍ 他以为在官场靠着~就可以官运亨通,步步高升。He thought that by fawning on those above and bullying those below in official circles he would have plenty of chances of official promotion.
❍ 他发现~的清朝官员平步青云,而刚正不阿的少数人却一个个失宠的失宠,罢官的罢官。He found that those snobbish Qing officials had meteoric rises,whereas those few who were upright and never stooped to flattery either fell into disfavour or were dismissed from office.

谄上欺下chǎn shànɡ qī xià

谄:讨好。对上讨好、拍马屁,却欺压下面。be servile to one’s superiors and tyramnical to one’s subordinates, fawn on those above and bully those below





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