释义 |
无边无际无边无垠wú biān wú jìboundless;endless; immeasurable; immense; infinite; limitless;measureless; oceanic; shoreless; unlimited; un measured; vast ❍ 啊,我思念那洞庭湖,我思念那长江,我思念那东海,那浩浩荡荡的~的波澜呀! 那浩浩荡荡的~的伟大的力呀! (郭沫若《屈原》131) Ah,I long for the Dongting Lake,I long for the Changjiang River,I long for the Eastern Sea,that mighty and boundless expanse of waves,that mighty and boundless expanse of strength ❍ 万山重叠,~,白雪皑皑,银光耀眼。(曲波《林海雪原》)589) Masses of huge mountains,rolling on endlessly. Spotless white snow,dazzling to the eye. ❍ 天地连在一起,~的黑夜,象一面巨大的网,把我们罩在洼地里。(峻青《黎明的河边》141) We were just surrounded by intense baffling darkness in a seem ingly endless swamp. ❍ 夜空象~的透明的大海,安静、广阔,而又神秘。(吴强《红日》223) The night sky was like an unbounded translucent ocean,tranquil,vast and mysterious. 无边无际boundless; limitless; immense; vast;infinite ~的海洋vast ocean/~的宇宙infinite universe 无边无际wú biān wú jì际:边缘。范围没有边际,非常广大。boundless, limitless, off shore, a vast expanse of |