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单词 back
back/bæk/ n; adj [无comp]; adv & v

n (1) 背,后背 (rear part of the body of a human or animal between the neck and the legs) [C]:be/lie/fall/carry sth on one's~仰面躺着/仰面躺着/仰面朝天跌倒/背着某物;fasten/put a saddle on a horse's ~把鞍子系/放在马背上;
 (2) 背部(面),后部(面),反面 (part or surface of anything that is furthest from the front or opposite to the front) [C]:the~of one's hand/one's fist/one's head/a shirt/an envelop/a letter/a record/a cheque手/拳头/头/衬衣/信封/信/唱片/支票的背(反)面;the~of a knife刀背;the seat in(at) the~of the hall/the car 大厅/车子的后排座位;the garden at the~of the house/the theatre/the cinema 房子/剧院/电影院后面的花园;at the~of the class/the aircraft/the dictionary 在班级/飞机/字典的后部;〖同〗rear;〖反〗front;
 (3) 椅背 (part of a chair that one leans against when sitting) [C]:She cries,bending over the~of her chair. 她伏在椅背上哭着。
 (4) (足球等的)后卫 (player or position that defends the area to the left or right near the team's own goal) [CU]:play~担任后卫;be one of the~s 是后卫(球员)之一;〖反〗forward;
 back to back 背靠背:stand~to~背靠背站立;
 back to front 背向前(反着):Her sweater is on back to front. 她的毛衣前后穿反了。
 behind sb's back 背地里:It's not right to criticize a person behind his~. 背后批评人是不对的。
 at one's back 支持(赞助)某人:He knows that he has the President at his~.他知道他有总统的支持。
 on one's back 卧病在床(infml):He was(flat) on his~for three months.他卧病在床三个月。
 be glad pleased etc to see the back of sb/sth 高兴见到某人离去(不再见到某人) (infml):He is such a bore, I'd like to see the~of him.他很令人讨厌, 我不想再见到他。
 break the back of sth 完成较大(难)的部分:We'll break the~of the work by tonight. 我们今晚将完成这件工作的大部分。
 get/put sb's back up使生气(infml):His crude manner put my~up. 他粗鲁的举止令我生气。He put my~up with his boast-ing. 他的自吹自擂令我生气。
 have/with one's back to the wall 处境不妙, 得背水一战(infml):The team had their~s to the wall in the second half.这个队后半场形势不妙。
 know sth like the back of one's hand 对……了如指掌(infml):The taxi driver knows the city like the~of his hand.那个出租车司机对这座城市了如指掌。
 put one's back into sth 非常卖力地工作:He really put his~into making the business profitable. 他真是拼命地干,要让生意赚钱。
 turn one's back on sb/sth不理睬;抛弃:He turned his~on his friends when they needed help. 朋友们需要帮助时他置之不理。
 →′backache n 背痛;′backbone n 脊柱骨;支柱;′back-breaking adj 费力的;′backpack n 旅行背包;′backrest n 靠背;′backscratcher n 痒痒挠;′backstroke n 仰泳;
 adj (1) 后面的 (that is behind sth) [作attrib]:a~garden/yard/door/seat/teeth/leg 后花园/院/门/座/牙/腿;〖同〗rear;〖反〗front;
 (2) 旧的,过期的 (earlier than the last one) [作attrib]:a~number(issue/copy)of a magazine/a newspaper 一份(期/本)过期的杂志/报纸;~files 旧卷宗;〖同〗past;
 (3) 拖欠的,逾期未付的 (still owned from before)[作attrib]:~pay/rent/taxes 积欠的薪金/租金/税款;〖同〗overdue;
 (4) 早已过去的 (of an early past)[作attrib]:The war is all~history now. 那场战争现在已成为历史。
 by/through the back door 走后门:He got the job by the~door. 他走后门得到了那个工作。
 →′backcloth n (舞台)背景;′backdrop n (舞台)背景;′backhand n 反手击球;′backhander n 贿赂;′backlist n 重版书目;′backlog n 积压的工作;͵back′room n 楼房后的耳房;′backside n 臀部;′backstage adv 在后台;′backwater n 死水;穷乡僻壤;′backwoods n 偏僻的森林地区;偏远的荒凉地区;͵back′yard n 后院;
 adv (与动词连用) (1) 向(在)后面 (towards or at the back of sth; away from the front or centre of sth):sit/stand/lie/move/jump/step/walk/get/look/point~向后坐/站/躺/移动/跳/迈/走/去/看/指;keep~from sb/sth 离开点……;tie one's hands/comb one's hair/press the enemy/pull a car~把手捆在/头发梳向/敌人逼向/车拉向后面;The cottage stood~from the road. 那农舍离路有一小段距离。
 (2) 处于(回复)原处(状) (to or at an earlier position condition or stage):be/go/come/fly/run/drive/hurry~(to somewhere) (from somewhere) (从某处)回来/回去/回来/飞回/跑回/驾车回/匆忙回(到某处);take/carry/send/call/put/give/buy/have sth~拿/带/送/叫/放/给/买/要回;ten pages~in a book 书往回翻10页的地方;be~from one's holiday 度假归来;be~in power 重新执政;want sb~as president 想让某人再当总统;welcome~to...欢迎回到……;go~to one's old habits 又恢复了旧习惯;
 (3) 回复(报) (in return; in response to):write/call/ring/answer/fight/hit~写回信/回电话/回电话/顶嘴/还击/回击;smile~同样一笑(作为回答);pay~the money borrowed 还借的钱;
 (4) 以前 (in or to the past)(infml):meet sb 2 years/a few days~两年/几天前遇见某人;far~in the Middle Ages/in the 15th century/in ancient times/in 1940 远在中世纪/15世纪/古时候/1940年时;The custom goes~to the 17th century. 这种习俗是17世纪时的事。look~on one's youth 回顾青年时代;think~to one's childhood 回忆孩童时代;
 (5) 控制 (under control):hold/keep one's tears~忍住眼泪;hold/keep the crowds~把人群挡回去;
 (6)耽搁,延缓 (in a delayed condition):His bad health has kept/held him~at school. 身体不好使他耽误了学业。The rains set the construction job~many days.连绵不断的雨使建筑工程推迟了许多天。put one's holidays~a week 把度假推迟一周;
 (7) 往回拨(钟) ((of a clock or watch) so as to show an earlier time):put a clock/a watch~an hour 把钟/表拨慢一小时;
 back and forth 来回(往返)地:The chair is rocking~and forth. 椅子来回摇晃。
 →′backbite vi 背后诽谤;′backchat,AmE ′backtalk n 反唇相讥;′backcomb vt 往后梳;′backdate vt 回溯;′backfire vi 发生意外;′back-formation n 逆向构词(法);′back-lash n 强烈的反响;′backslide vi 退步;′backspace vi (打字机)退格;′backtrack vi 走回头路;′backwash n 水倒流;(不愉快的)反响;
 v (1) (使)后退((cause to) move backwards)[I I+prep(into/out of), I+adv T+n T+n+prep(into/out of),T+n+adv]:~(a car/a horse) (out of/into/through the gate) (使车/马)退(出/进/过大门);~(a car) away from the house/onto a road (把车)倒离房子/到路上;(police)~the crowd into a corner (警察)把人群逼退到一个角落;The boy~ed away from the horse in terror.男孩恐惧地后退着躲开马。〖同〗retreat;〖反〗advance;
 (2) 帮助,支持,资助 (give help or support to often with money) [T+n]:~a candidate/a plan/the government 支持候选人/计划/政府;~a film为一部电影出资;Will you~me against the others? 你愿意支持我而反对别人吗? A majority of voters~ed him.大多数投票者支持他。〖同〗help, assist,aid,support;〖反〗oppose;
 (3) 下赌注于(赛车/狗) (bet on the success of (a horse or dog in a race)) [T+n]:~a horse/the winner (heavily)下(大)赌注于一匹马/获胜者;I~ed his horse to win but it lost. 我下赌注于他的马指望能赢,但输了。
 (4) 加衬背(里) (put sth on the back of sth; line the inside of) [T+n T+n+prep (with)尤pass]:~a picture with a sheet of cardboard 给画的背面衬上硬纸板;The photograph was~ed with cardboard.照片衬了硬纸板。The dress was~ed with silk.衣服衬了绸里子。curtains~ed with a plastic material 衬有塑料的窗帘;
 (5) 在背面签字以保证 (write and sign a promise of payment on the back) [T+n]:~a bill/a note 在账单/便条背面签字;
 (6)背朝(靠)着 (face sth at the back) [I+prep(on/onto),T+n]:The hotel~s (on/onto) the river. 旅店背靠着一条河。
 back down (AmE back off) (v adv) 放弃,让步,承认错误 (vi):There was a fight because neither side was willing to~down. 打起来了,因为双方都不愿意让步。
 back out (v adv) 不履行(诺言、合同等);改主意 (vi):He~ed out at the last moment. 他在最后关头打了退堂鼓。
 back up (v adv) 支持(vi):If you propose it, I'll~you up.你要是提出这个建议,我支持你。
 →′backer n 支持者;赞助人;′backing n 支持,帮助;衬里;给歌手的伴奏;′back-up n 支持;备用抄本;
 【辨异】由back构成的短语back ofin back ofbehind的区别见BEHIND。





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