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单词 access
access/′ækses/ nvt [-es / ɪz/]

n(1)通路,入口(way of approaching or getting into (a place))[U][N(to)]:The only~to the house is a dirt road/across the meadow/along that muddy track/by a narrow path.去那座房子的唯一通路是一条土路/穿越那片牧场/那条泥泞小路/一条狭窄的小路。The castle is easy/difficult of~.去那城堡的路容易/很难走。A~to mountains is often difficult.去山区的路常常很难走。a city with easy~to the sea 去海边很方便的城市;There is no~to the building/the sea/the town from here. 从这里无法去那座房子/海边/城镇。gain~to a house through a window/the basement 从窗户/地下室进入一座房子;(door) give~to a bedroom(门)通往一卧室;~time 从电脑中提取信息的时间;~road 高速公路的出(进)口;通往……的路;〖同〗admittance,entrance;

(2)(使用或接近之)机会(权利)(opportunity or right to use or get sth or approach sb)[U][N(to)]:have (get)~to the president/the files/secret information能(得以)接近总统/文件/秘密情报;have/get~to the books能/得以使用那些书籍;Only a few persons had~to the full facts of the case.仅几个人可以接触到此案的全部实情。Students need to have~to a good library.学生们需要有一个好的图书馆可供使用。We have~to the library only at weekends.我们只有在周末才能使用图书馆。dream~to a computer 梦想有一台电脑用;

(3)发作(sudden strong attack (of angera diseaseetc))[U](lit):an~of rage 勃然大怒;

vt在电脑中存(取)信息(get information from or put information into (a computer file))[T+n]:~a file to find information 调出文件以便找到信息;

→ ac′cessible adj 可接近(使用)的;ac-͵cessi′bility n 可接近(使用);inac′cessible adj 不可接近(使用)的





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