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单词 郁郁不乐

郁郁不乐yù yù bù lè

depressed; unhappy;melancholy;gloomy
❍ 自见了许多好女娘,不知怎的只爱他,心中着迷,~。(《水浒全传》89) I have seen many good females,and I don’t know why I love only this one. Yet I am dazed with my love and with myoppression and I am very unhappy.
❍ 晁盖只是~。(《水浒全传》754) But still Ghao Gai was melancholy and there was no joy in him.
❍ 例如我的大师兄即是其一,然而他们孤僻,冷酷,看不起人,好象总是~,他们的一把扇或一本书,你一动他就不高兴,令人不敢亲近他。(《鲁迅选集》上—305) My Number One Brother being a case in point. But monks like this are queer,cold misanthropists,who always look unhappy and are angry if you touch their fans or books;so people dare not approach them.

郁郁不乐yù yù bù lè

心中愁苦,没有欢乐。joyless, depressed, gloomy, in a dismal mood





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