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单词 无法无天

无法无天wú fǎ wú tiān

become absolutely lawless;break the laws of man and heaven; defy laws human and divine; have no respect for the law;pestilential; rampage as one pleases; reckless; run completely wild; run riot; stop at nothing (in breaking the law)
❍ 珍大奶奶——不是我说——是个老实人,人人都叫他养得~的。(《红楼梦》1154) Your Cousin Zhen’s wife—if you don’t mind my saying so-is so easy-going that all her staff are spoilt and quite above themselves.
❍ 这样~的王八羔子,还不撵了做什么! (《红楼梦》 567) How can we keep on such an insolent,lawless young bastard?/只为你~,才落得身受极刑。(朱素臣《十五贯》26) But you broke the laws of man and heaven,|So you are sentenced to lose your lives.
❍ 我们没有交出军队,所以没有合法地位,我们是“~”。(《毛泽东选集》 1026) We have not turned over our army,and so we have no legal status and are “defying laws human and divine”./这百日内,只不曾拆毁了怡红院,和这些丫头们~,凡世上所无之事,都玩耍出来,……(《红楼梦》1041) So during these hundred days he and his maids rampaged as they pleased,getting up to mis chief never heard of before and stopping short only of pulling down Happy Red Court.
❍ 上头出了几天门,你们就~的,眼珠子里就没了人了。(《红楼梦》749) If the higher-ups are away just a few days,you lot run completely wild with no respect for anyone at all.
❍ 殊不知他在家里~,大人想不到的话偏会说,想不到的事偏会行,所以老爷太太恨的无法。(《红楼梦》719) They don’t know the way he runs wild at home,saying and doing the most outrageous things which make our master and mistress very angry.
❍ 贾政便问: “该死的奴才! 你在家不读书也罢了,怎么又做出这些~的事来!……”(《红楼梦》 396) “You scoundrel! ”thundered his father.“Not content with shirking your studies at home you commit such wicked crimes outside! ”/……说是明天你再穿东洋货的衣服去,他们就要烧呢——~的话语。咳…… (《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—200) It says that if you wear clothes made of Japanese material again tomorrow,they’re going to burn them! Of all the wild lawless things to say!


❶defy laws,human and divine
❷run wild;absolutely lawless
“和尚打伞,无法(发)无天”(毛主席对斯诺讲话)Like a Buddhist monk holding an umbrella,there is neither hair(发,a homophone for法law)nor heaven.—absolutely lawless (Mao Zedong)

无法无天wú fǎ wú tiān

法:法纪;天:天理,道理。形容不受法纪、天理的约束,毫无顾忌地胡作非为。run wild, reckless, run riot, be completely lawless





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