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单词 church
释义 church /tfxtf; n 1 building for public Christian worship. 教堂。 cchapel.; ~ 'register n records of births, marriages and deaths in a parish. 教堂记录(登记教区中之出生、婚婀及死亡之记录)。 '~yard n burial ground round a ~. 教堂墓地(教堂四周的墓地)。 → cemetery. 2 [U] service in such a building: 在教堂中的礼拜仪式: What time does ~ begin? 礼拜何时开始? They're in/at ~, attending a service. 他们在教堂中做礼拜。 Cf 参较 They're in the inside the building. 他们在教堂里面。 How often do you go to ~? 你多久去教堂做一次礼拜? '~goer /-gaua(r); -,govl n person who attends ~ services regularly. 经常上妆堂做礼拜的人。 3 [U] the C~ (of Christ), the whole body of Christians. 全体基督教徒。 the C~ of England, England's official Protestant ~, founded in the 16th century by King Henry VIII. 英国国技(十六世纪英王亨利八世所创之新教); 英格兰教会。 enter the C~ .become a minister' 。) or monk/nun. 做牧师; 做修道士; 做修女。 ~warden n elected representative of a C~ of England parish, not a priest, who helps to manage the business, funds, etc of a ~. 英国国教每教区所选举出的教会执事(非牧师, 其职司为协助管理教会事务、经费等)。




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