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单词 当务之急

当务之急dāng wù zhī jí

an urgent task of the time (/on hand); a pressing matter of the moment;a task of special urgency (/of top priority); an urgent matter; the (most) pressing demand (/issue) of the day
❍ 知者无不知也,当务之为急。(《孟子·尽心上》) The wise embrace all knowledge,but they are most earnest about what is of the greatest importance.
❍ 在初学,尤为~,读者不可以其近而忽之也。(《礼记·大学》) Those two chapters demand the special attention of the learner. Let not the reader despise them because of their simplicity.
❍ 我们目下的~,是:一要生存,二要温饱,三要发展。(鲁迅《华盖集》35) Our chief aims at present are: first,to exist;secondly,to find food and clothing; and thirdly,to advance.
❍ 顾问说,~,首要是严格整饬纪律,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》178) He says that our immediate task is to tighten discipline….


a pressing matter of the moment;a task of top priority; urgent matter; burning issue
~是要求两个超级核大国停止核军备竞赛。It is of great urgency to demand that the two nuclear superpowers stop their nuclear arms race.

当务之急dānɡ wù zhī jí

务:事情。当前任务中最急需办的事。urgent matter, the top priority, the crying obligation, a task of special urgency, a pressing matter of the moment





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