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引狼入室yǐn láng rù shìbring (/invite) a wolf into the house—open the door to a dangerous foe(/an enemy); let the invaders in; set a fox to keep one’s geese; set the wolf to keep the sheep ❍ ~,这还了得!难道你也愿意外国人勒住我们的颈脖子吗?(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ-165) This is like bringing wolves into our home. What horror! Do you for one,agree to let foreigners clasp their hands around our throat,I wonder?/但中国方面是些什么人呢? 干这~的勾当!(茅盾《子夜》209) …but who have they got helping them here? Whoever they are,they’re letting the wolf into the fold!/他和叶剑英同志以及代表团其它成员分头深入各抗日团体、机关、部队、学校开会,作报告,个别走访,揭露亲日派~的阴谋,宣传我党的正确主张。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—46) He and Comrade Yeh Chien-ying and the other members of the del egation went by separate routes to the anti-Japanese groups,the government institutions,to the army units or schools to attend their meetings and make speeches or pay personal visits. There they exposed the pro-Japanese groups,conspiracies which meant letting wolves into the house,and at the same time they propagated our Party’s correct principles. 引狼入室yin lang ru shiinvite a wolf into the house—open the door to an enemy 引狼入室invite a wolf into the house—open the door to a dangerous foe (or open the door to an enemy) 由突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、利比亚、毛里塔尼亚和摩洛哥五国组成的阿拉伯马格里布联盟于2007年11月27日发表声明,坚决反对外国在马格里布和非洲其他国家土地上建立军事司令部或军事存在。这是非洲拒绝~的又一典型实例。The Arab Maghreb Union consisting of Tunisia,Algeria,Libya,Mauritania and Morocco issued a statement on 27 Nov. 2007,firmly opposing the establishment of any foreign military command or any foreign military presence in the Maghreb region or in the territory of other African countries.This is another typical example of Africa refusing to open their door to a dangerous foe. 引狼入室yǐn lánɡ rù shì引:招引。把狼招引到家中。比喻把坏人引进来。lead wolves into the house, open the door to a dangerous foe, under the wolves into the house |