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单词 Christian
释义 Christian /'knstjsn; 'knstfan/ adj of Jesus and his teaching; of the religion, beliefs, church, etc based on this teaching. 耶稣基督及其敎训的; 基督敎及其信仰、敎仓等的。 - ~ era, time reckoned from the birth of Jesus. 耶稣纪元 (自耶稣降生算起); 西历纪元。 ' ~ name, name given at baptism. (在施洗礼时所取的) 敎名。 Cf 参较 family name. 'Science, church and religious system of healing through spiritual means. 基督敎信仰将疗法 (借精神信仰的疗病法) 。 n person believing in the ~ religion. 基督敎徒。 Christianity /.knsti'aenoti; , knstfi-'aenati/ n [U] the ~ faith or religion; being a ~; ~ character. 基督敎; 基督敎的敎义; 做基督敎徒; 信基督教; 基督敎徒的性格。




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