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单词 recess
释义 recess /n'ses US: 'ruses; ri'se8/ n 1 (US 美 = vacation) period of time when work or business is stopped, eg when Parliament, the law courts, are not in session. 暂歇时期; 休业期; 休会期 (例如议会之休会期,法院之休庭期) 。 2 part of a room where the wall is set back from the main part; alcove or niche: 室内墙壁之凹处; 凹室; 壁布: a ~ with a writing-desk and a chair in it. 一个置有一书桌和一椅的凹室。 3 secret place; place difficult of access: 隐密地方; 难进入的地方: the dark ~es of a cave; 洞穴中隐密的暗处; a mountain ~; 山之深处; 山隈; (fig) ( 喻) jn the innermost ~es of the heart/mind. 心之最深处。 vt [VP6A] 1 place in a ~; set back: 置于凹室或壁彝内; 置于隐密处; 做成凹处: ~ a wall/a ~ed wall. 在墙上做一壁赢 (有壁布的龙) 。 2 provide with ~es. 供以隐密处。




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