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单词 无功受禄

无功受禄wú gōng shòu lù

get a reward without deserving it; undeserving
❍ 一旦到手,对于没有一同去索的人的~,心有不甘,用此给吃一点小苦头的。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》135) But once they had the money they were loath to share it with those who had not helped to get it,and imposed this slight inconvenience on these undeserving people.
❍ 老花不去领。他说: “~,领回吃着也不香。反正咱们的白面,也够吃的了。” (周立波《暴风骤雨》399) But he declined it,saying: “I don’t deserve any share.Even if I took the pork, I couldn’t eat it with relish. And we’ve enough white flour of our own. ”

无功受禄wu gong shou lu

get a reward that one does not earn or deserve

无功受禄wú ɡōnɡ shòu lù

禄:俸禄。没有功劳却享受优厚的待遇。get a reward without deserving it, undeserving





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