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单词 无依无靠

无依无靠wú yī wú kào

be all alone in the world;have no one to depend (/rely) on; have no one to turn to
❍ ~的江姐,流落在孤儿院里,……(罗广斌、杨益言 《红岩》285) …and the abandoned child was put in an orphanage.
❍ 他把一个~的寡妇的女儿,引导到下堡乡五村的政治舞台上来,使她这个农村闺女,尝到了她所没有梦想过的社会斗争的生活滋味。(柳青《创业史》55)She was alone in the world except for her widowed mother,but he had brought her into the political life of Fifth Village and taught her,a simple country girl,to know the taste of social struggle,a thing she had never even dreamed of./……如今父母双亡,~,现在他家依栖,若是认真怄气,也觉没趣。(《红楼梦》312) And now that Mother and Father are both dead and I am on my own,to make a fuss about a thing like this when I am living in someone else’s house could only lead to further unpleasantness.
❍ 黄荣灰的老婆哭得死去活来,一个人~怎么活呢?(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》217)Huang’s wife was in a terrible state. She had no one to turn to.
❍ 况我又不是正经主子,原是~投奔了来的,他们已经多嫌着我呢;……(《红楼梦》560) After all,I’m not a daughter of the house,I’m here because I’ve nowhere else to go.They resent me enough as it is.
❍ 献帝又~,董卓又不仁不义,吕布又一冲一撞。(《关汉卿戏剧集·关大王独赴单刀会》247) Till Emperor Xian lost support,Dong Zhuo was neither good nor just,and rough Lu Bu ran wild.
❍ 这位~的老人,收留下周大勇这个没家没舍的孤苦孩子。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》152) Now this old neighbour,with no one to support her,took in the motherless child.


have no one to depend on(or turn to);be helpless

无依无靠wú yī wú kào

形容没有任何依靠。helpless, supportless, have no one to rely on, be all alone in the world





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