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单词 stop
释义 stop2 /stop stop/ vt, vi (-pp-) 1 [VP6A] put an end to the movement or progress of (a person, thing, activity, etc): 停止(人、物、活动等)的动作或进展: ~ a car/a train/a runaway horse. 停住汽也(火车,脱鞭之马)。 The earthquake ~ ped all the clocks. 地震使所有的钟都停了。 2 [VP6A, C, 14] ~ sb (from) (doing sth), prevent; hinder: 阻止某人(做某事); 妨碍; 制止: What can ~ our going/ ~ us from going if we want to go? 如果我们要去,什么能阻止我们(使我们不能成行)呢? Can't you ~ the child (from) getting into mischief? 你不能制止那孩子恶作剧吗? He will certainly go-there's no one to ~ him. 他定会去一没有人能阻止他。 3 [VP6A, C] leave off; discontinue (doing sth): 中止(做某事); 停止: ~ work. 停止工作。 We ~ ped talking. 我府中止谈话。 Why doesn't he ~ beating his wife? 他为什么不停止殴打他的妻子? S~ it! (imper) ~ doing that (sth disliked or disapproved of). (祈使)停止!不要做了 ! 4 [VP2A, 3A, 4A] ~ (at), break off; discontinue: 停; 中断;停下来: The rain has ~ ped. 雨已停了。 The clock/His heart has ~ ped. 钟已停了 (他的心 ¥ 不再跳动了)。 It has ~ ped raining. 雨已停止。 We ~ped to have a rest. 我们停卞来休息一下。 We ~ ped (in order) to talk. 我们停下来以便谈话。 Cf 参较 We ~ ped talking. 我们停止了谈话。 5 [VP2A, 3A, 4A] ~ (at), come to rest; halt: 停下; 停住; 止住: The train ~ ped. 火车存下了。 Does this train ~ at Crewe? 这列火车在克鲁停吗? ~ dead, ~ suddenly. 突然停 ~ short at sth, limit one's actions, etc: 限制在某方面的行动等; 停做某事: Will our neighbours ~ short at war? 我们的邻国会停止战'争吗? 6 [VP6A, 15A, B] ~sth (up), fill or close (a hole, opening, etc): 堵塞; 填塞; 阻塞(洞,口等): ~ leak in a pipe; 塞住管子的漏洞; ~ up a mouse-hole; 堵塞老鼠洞; have a tooth ~ ped, have a cavity filled; 填补牙洞; ~ one's ears, (fig) refuse to listen; (G) 不听; ~ the way, prevent progress. 阻碍发展。 7 [VP6A, 14] cut off; keep back or refuse to give (sth normally supplied): 截断;扣留; 拒绝给予(通常供给之物): ~ (payment of) a cheque, order the bank not to cash it; 止付支票(通知银行不予兑现); ~ sb's wages. 扣发某人薪水。 The bank has ~ ped payment, is unable to meet its obligations. 该银行已无力麦付。 ~ sth out of sth. deduct sth from (wages, salary, etc). 从(工资,薪金等)中扣除某款项。 8 [VP2A, B, C] (colloq) stay: (俗)停留; 待在; 逗留; 住: ~ at home. 待在家里。 Are you ~ ping at this hotel? 你住在这家旅社吗? ~ off (at/in), break, a journey for a short period: 申途稍作行留: ~ 。ff at a store to buy sth. 半路上在一条谤居购物。 ~ o /over (at/in), break a journey for a stay: 中盘在某处启留或小住: ~ off overnight in Edinburgh. 中亲在爰丁堡停留过夜。 '~-over n [C] break in a journey; place where one does this; (attrib): 中途停留; 中途停留之处; (形容用法): ' ~-over ticket, one that permits a journey to be broken in this way. 准许中途下车(下机、下绐等)的票。 ~ up (late), stay up, not go to bed until late. 熬夜; 迟 9 (music) produce desired note(8) by pressing fingers on strings (eg of a violin), or over holes (eg in a flute). (音乐)按弦; 按孔(以,发出而要的声音)。 ~ ping n filling for a dental cavity. 补牙洞之填补物。 → 6 above. 参看上列第 6 义。




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