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单词 plot
plot2/plɒt/ n;v [-tt-;-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)(戏剧或小说等中的)情节 (story in a play novel etc) [C]: a neatly worked-out~构思巧妙的情节;The play/The novel has a very complicated~. 这出戏/这本小说情节很复杂。Boys like~s dealing with adventure and mystery. 男孩子们喜欢冒险和神秘的故事情节。

(2)阴谋(secret plan to accomplish an often illegal purpose) [C]: a~to overthrow the government/take over the government/assassinate the president/rob the bank 推翻政府/接管政府/暗杀总统/抢劫银行的阴谋;a~against the king 反对国王的阴谋;form/uncover/discover a~策划/揭露/发现一个阴谋;〖同〗scheme, design;

the plot thickens (用于引起注意的话)情况忽然更复杂了;情节一下子更加扑朔迷离了;

v (1)密谋,阴谋策划 (take part in a plot) [I I+prep(with)(against), I+adv(together), I+to-inf]:~with others against the state 与别人共谋反对国家;~(together) to kill the leader/overthrow the government/blow up the Houses of Parliament (一起)阴谋策划刺杀领导人/推翻政府/炸毁议会大楼;〖同〗scheme,design,plan;

(2)密谋(plan together secretly) [T+n]:~sb's murder/the downfall of a regime/revenge 密谋暗杀某人/搞垮一个政权/报仇雪恨;〖同〗scheme,design,plan;

→′plotter n 阴谋者,密谋者;

【辨异】plotschemeconspire均指密谋。plot (秘密计划) 指一人或多人密谋一个有害于或反叛某人、某一团体或某一国家的计划,如: Enemy agents plotted to blow up the plant. (敌人的特务秘密计划炸毁那座工厂。) scheme (阴谋策划) 指小心地设计一种秘密狡诈的手段,以谋取私利,如: scheme how to gain power (图谋如何得到权力);conspire (密谋) 强调与别人共同密谋做不法之事,尤指反叛,如: They conspired to overthrow the government. (他们密谋推翻政府。)





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