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单词 敲诈勒索

敲诈勒索qiāo zhà lè suǒ

blackmail; extort;racketeer; fleece;impose exactions on (/upon);swindle and squeeze; take advantage of sb and extort money from him
❍ 又是个酒色之徒,强霸民女,~,无恶不作。(曲波《林海雪原》447) In addition,he was addicted to drinking and sex. He raped women,extorted,squeezed—nothing was too evil for him.
❍ 他万万没有想到,十年前撕毁了的借条,竟变成地主~的证据。(石文驹《战地红缨》62) But he had never thought that the landlord would piece it together and keep it for more extortion.
❍ 你不要执迷不悟,认为有日本鬼子打仗,会永远骑在马上,耀武扬威,到处横行霸道,到处~,抗日政府给你们记着帐哪! (冯志《敌后武工队》37)Don’t be obstinate. Don’t think that you can depend on the Japanese invaders to keep you on your high horses arrogantly throwing your weight around and riding roughshod over the people,fleecing them right and left. The resistance government is keeping an account of all you do!/这个万瞎子,三十来岁,是个赌棍,一贯游手好闲,抢男霸女,专给保长溜须拍马,对穷人都是~,最能帮狗吃食。(《高玉宝》31) This Wan the Blind was a scoundrel in his thirties,a gambler and thief who kept chasing after women. A lick spittle of the rich,he toadied the bao chief while swindling and squeezing the poor.


extort;blackmail;rip off;cheat by charging too much money for sth;overcharge;fleece

敲诈勒索qiāo zhà lè suǒ

敲诈:依仗势力或抓住他人的把柄来恐吓、索取财物;勒索:用威胁的手段逼取钱财。形容利用职权或抓住他人的把柄,用威胁的手段索取钱财。extort money from sb., impose exactions on, blackmail, blackmail and impose exaction on





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