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单词 aware
aware/ ə′weə(r), AmE -′wer/ adj

(1)知道的,意识(觉察)到了的(knowing about or conscious of)[A(of),A+thatA+wh][作pred]:be (become)~of the danger/the risk/the difficulty知道(知道了)有危险/风险/困难;be (become)~of the fact/the circumstances了解(了解到)事实/情况;be (become)~of a peculiar smell/one's shortcomings/sb's presence/sb approaching one觉察(觉察到)一股奇怪的气味/自己的缺点/某人在场/某人正走过来;Are you~of the problem/the time? 你意识到这个问题/知道现在几点了吗?be (well)~that there is a danger/they are in conflict (十分)明白有危险/他们意见抵触;Are you~(of) how dangerous it is/who I am? 你知道这有多么危险/我是谁吗?be~of what was going around one/what was happening 知道自己周围发生的事情/正在发生的事情;As far as I am~,it's impossible.据我所知,这是不可能的。〖同〗conscious,sensible,mindful;〖反〗unaware;

(2)有……意识的(having knowledgeunderstanding or consciousness of sth (that is shown by an adverb))(与adv连用):be politically/artistically~有政治意识/艺术感;a politically~young man 有政治意识的年轻人;an artistically~girl有艺术感的女孩;a sexually~child 有性意识的孩子;He is more politically~than the others.他比其他人政治意识强。

→ a′wareness n 知道,意识(到);

【辨异】awareconscious都可以表示“觉察到……的存在”。aware强调感官对客观的意识和觉察,如:be aware of the odour of tobacco(觉察出烟草味);conscious指人内心对一事实、真理和状况的意识和察觉,如:be conscious of an extreme weariness (觉得极度疲乏)。





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